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Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,

involve me and I learn.

Ben Franklin

Why use an advisor?
Because of the positive impacts on the path of your financial story. 

True, not everyone needs or should have a financial advisor.  But for the middle and late career family, and those juggling multiple financial goals and concerns, hiring an advisor can make the seemingly impossible, possible. 


We also know that planning and investing does not have to to be a confusing or intimidating process. Talk to us to find out how we can help.   

Only 24% get help when 70% say that they want it.

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A 2015 survey by Charles Schwab of workplace retirement plan participants showed that many want help but for various reasons, do not pursue it.  Maybe they feel that it will be expensive, or they are mistrustful or the process will be too difficult. Whatever the case may be, they were much more likely to pay for help with their car, lawn and plumbing than to spend for advice on managing their finances and investments. 

Sources: 2016 Charles Schwab Participant Survey and 2015 Charles Schwab "Advice Matters". 

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